I will list by position with returning players first and first years next. Transfers will be added later.
Pitchers - Augustin, Beruvides, Blanco, Hodges, Jaxel, Menk, Moore, O'Connor, Oschell, Osinski, Teel, Woofolk Kirk, Valincius, Yeager
Catchers - Broderick, James
Infielders - Becker, Ford (may play outfield), Godbout, Hanson, Perrotta, Harris, Prozny, Sirvois, Vanderwoude
outfielders - Buchanan, Didawick, Whalen, Nunnalee
Additions, deletions, and corrections are appreciated.
Pitchers - Augustin, Beruvides, Blanco, Hodges, Jaxel, Menk, Moore, O'Connor, Oschell, Osinski, Teel, Woofolk Kirk, Valincius, Yeager
Catchers - Broderick, James
Infielders - Becker, Ford (may play outfield), Godbout, Hanson, Perrotta, Harris, Prozny, Sirvois, Vanderwoude
outfielders - Buchanan, Didawick, Whalen, Nunnalee
Additions, deletions, and corrections are appreciated.