I wasn't expecting that at all. I guess you could say this is as close to a Tony Bennett hire as we could get and a very solid one. His teams are very physical on multiple fronts as well as having dual threat quarterbacks who can do multiple things. I think we'll see us recruiting a lot of athletes who can come in with the looks of playing multiple places on the field. My one concern with the hire is he's not going to get the older guys from their Mormon missions which is just minor at the end of the day. I think we'll see pretty good redshirting with a great emphasis on player development and I also think that Matt John's for his senior season could actually fit this offense. Very intrigued by the staff he may potentially bring in.
I think we got the hire right and very much look forward to our first match with him as our coach against the Hokies.
I think we got the hire right and very much look forward to our first match with him as our coach against the Hokies.